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Solved : The Computer Restarted Unexpectedly Or Encountered An Unexpected Error Windows 7

  • On the same error screen press SHIFT+F10 and it will open up a black Window. (a command prompt window)

  • In the black windows type the word "regedit" (without the inverted commas and hit enter. That will open the registry editor.In the Registry Editor..Browse to....HKLocal machine/SYSTEM/SETUP/STATUS/ChildCompletion, and after highliting childcompletion,on the right hand side check for setup.exe. if the value is 1 change it to 3 (by double clicking on setup.exe and changing the value shown in the box).
  • Then close the registry editor and then also close the black window.

  • Then click on OK for the error and the computer will restart and the installation may complete.


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